Engaging Conversations at Your Fingertips

Engaging Responses: Eli patiently explains and clearly visualizes the answer to engage the brain in learning no matter where or when.

24/7 Availability: AskEli is ready to go around-the-clock, catering to your child's curiosity with full attention.

Any Subject: From understanding why the sun sets to how birds fly, Eli is ready to answer any question your child can come up with.

Sparking imagination through ai generated images

Visualizing and Grasping: With AskEli, learning is a holistic process where children don't just hear the answer but visualize and comprehend the essence of each topic.

Beyond Textbook Illustrations: The AI-generated images are designed not just to provide factual knowledge, but to stimulate creative thinking and inspire curiosity and exploration.

Multilingual mastery

Real-Time Language Immersion: Eli responds in the language chosen by your child, offering real-time immersion that reinforces vocabulary, grammar, and comprehension.”

Engaging Language Practice: With AskEli, learning a second language isn't just about memorizing rules; it's about engaging in meaningful, interactive conversations.

A safe and trust worthy companion

Safety First: AskEli prioritizes your child's safety and wellbeing, providing a digital environment that's secure and engaging.

Privacy-Preserving: AskEli maintains the highest standards of data privacy, ensuring no personal information is stored or shared.